Ultimo fascicolo
RISES » 2018/1-2 »
ISSN 2499-2321
Elena Dinubila
Da paese a paese. Prossimità e distanza tra gli spazi di vita sociale e i luoghi del lavoro nell’area industriale di Melfi
pp.165-189, DOI 10.17426/75858
Abstract: Abstract: This paper is based on an inquiry about the social life of some metalworkers which
has carried out in close proximity to their production site. It analyses the relationship between a
Fiat-Chrysler plant and the town of Melfi. The relationship between the factory, which is often
associated to a “big village” organised on its own rules and times, and the town of Melfi, which
is still characterised by a traditional economy and sociality, is examined here through the analysis
of the demographic and social effects produced by their interaction. By describing some factors
which prevent the construction of a work sociality, this essay explains why the FCA commuters
cannot create a new sense of belonging to the factory and extend it to the external communities.
The workers’ families are the only context in which the fragmented society, due to the distance
between factory and external community, is constantly recomposed.
Keywords: Fiat-Chrysler Factory; Urban Transformation; Social Fragmentation; Work Sociality; Workers’ Identity
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- Url: http://archivio.centroricercheroma.it/?contenuto=ultimo-fascicolo-rises&idarticolo=1639
- DOI: 10.17426/75858
- citazione: Elena Dinubila, Da paese a paese. Prossimità e distanza tra gli spazi di vita sociale e i luoghi del lavoro nell’area industriale di Melfi, "RiSES", IV/1-2, pp.165-189, DOI: 10.17426/75858