Ultimo fascicolo
RISES » 2018/1-2 »
ISSN 2499-2321
Gilberto Seravalli
Il “locale” tra mito e realtà. Sviluppo urbano e modernizzazione nell’Emilia occidentale
pp.29-64, DOI 10.17426/12697
Abstract: Abstract: Reconstructing secular demographic, social, and economic trends of Parma, Modena, Milan,
Turin and Genoa a remarkable specificity of the Parma case emerges, as expected in comparison with
the cities of the industrial triangle, but also in comparison with Modena, nearby and similar city for
many aspects. The non-linearity of relations between population trends, economic growth and modernization
also emerges in order to connote local systems in a specific sense; a specificity with which every
process or project underway in transition from the diffused city that involved them, to the “branch city”
or the “metropolitan archipelago” has to deal with and must do.
Keywords: Models of Local and Urban Development; Historical demography; Social Stratification.
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- Url: http://archivio.centroricercheroma.it/?contenuto=ultimo-fascicolo-rises&idarticolo=1634
- DOI: 10.17426/12697
- citazione: Gilberto Seravalli, Il “locale” tra mito e realtà. Sviluppo urbano e modernizzazione nell’Emilia occidentale, "RiSES", IV/1-2, pp.29-64, DOI: 10.17426/12697