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RISES » 2018/1-2 »
ISSN 2499-2321
Vanni Bulgarelli, Rossella Ruggeri, Matteo Sintini
Sviluppo urbano, produzione e società all’origine della motoristica modenese: una mappatura delle relazioni
pp.83-111, DOI 10.17426/78620
Abstract: Abstract: A characteristic feature of an area – the size of a square mile – where most of the future
district of mechanics originated at the end of XIX century, has emerged from a survey of the development
of the town of Modena. Within this area a smaller quarter started to specialize in automotive
crafts, and later saw the outbreak of worldwide known brands in the racing car industry
such as Ferrari and Stanguellini. The journey to investigate the very early stages of this success
story draws from a variety of disciplines such as anthropology, architecture, history and urban
studies, and through in-field practice develops a network of evidences playing the role of agency
in influencing human activities. The final outcome of this “deep-mapping” brings together both
the tightly knit settlements of emerging landmarks and the propulsive boost that from different
experiences converged to the effect of instilling a keen bent towards modernity, innovation and
speed in the local society.
Keywords: Urban History; Deep-Mapping; Automotive; Ferrari Cars; District of Mechanics; Modena
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- DOI: 10.17426/78620
- citazione: Vanni Bulgarelli, Rossella Ruggeri, Matteo Sintini, Sviluppo urbano, produzione e società all’origine della motoristica modenese: una mappatura delle relazioni, "RiSES", IV/1-2, pp.83-111, DOI: 10.17426/78620