Indice degli autori
RISES » 2017/1-2 » Istituzioni e cambiamento economico
ISSN 2499-2321
Marcelli Angelina
Un caso di oligopsonio collusivo. Il mercato dei bozzoli in Calabria (1865-1930): istituzioni e organizzazioni
pp.163-190, DOI 10.17426/69711
Abstract: This essay critically analyses an empirical case of an oligopsonistic market, applying an institutionalist approach to highlight the strategies implemented by individuals and organizations- both public and private- aimed at correcting its distortions. While referring to the theoretical-economic dynamics typical of ologopsony, the essay focuses on a specific experience, to be read and interpreted in historical perspective. Incorporating themes of cultural belief, values and mental models, human capital, distributive conflict, public and private strategies, rules, incentives, disincentives and accidental factors in the analysis, this research could go well beyond the evaluation of efficiency. The combined use of qualitative and quantitative sources allows informational asymmetries among the actors to be highlighted and it allows strategies employed to be evaluated.
Keywords: Institutions; Collusive Oligopsony; Public Organisations; Calabria; Sericulture
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- DOI: 10.17426/69711
- citazione: A. Marcelli, Un caso di oligopsonio collusivo. Il mercato dei bozzoli in Calabria (1865-1930): istituzioni e organizzazioni, "RiSES", III/1-2, pp.163-190, DOI: 10.17426/69711