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RISES » 2016/1-2 » Sulle tracce di un eroe oscuro: la finanza locale tra età moderna e contemporanea
ISSN 2499-2321

Guenzi Alberto

Usare il mito per creare il brand: la diffusione del pancake nel mercato americano degli alimenti per il breakfast (1889-1933)

pp.139-156, DOI 10.17426/51029


Abstract: The aim of this paper is to show how a considerable and prolonged reference to myths has granted an innovative product to be successful on a highly competitive market Differently from what usually occurs, the reference made to myth was not meant to emphasize the quality of a product already existing on the market (as in the case of typical foods); on the contrary, myth served to favor consumer’s confidence in a product, innovative in its ingredient mix, as well as in the way it could be prepared. The company displayed and spread its mythical character, introducing new marketing techniques such as the living trademark, the storytelling, the direct premium promotion, and the product demonstration. The case that is going to be discussed is that of the pancake mix “Aunt Jemima”: a pre-packaged ingredient mix that speeded up and simplified the making of a dish complicated to prepare.

Keywords: Food History; Myth; Trade Character; Premium Promotion

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  • DOI: 10.17426/51029
  • citazione: A. Guenzi, Usare il mito per creare il brand: la diffusione del pancake nel mercato americano degli alimenti per il breakfast (1889-1933), "RiSES", II/1-2, pp.139-156, DOI: 10.17426/51029

© Associazione Centro Ricerche per Roma ETS, Rome, Italy