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RISES » 2016/1-2 » Sulle tracce di un eroe oscuro: la finanza locale tra età moderna e contemporanea
ISSN 2499-2321
Moricola Giuseppe
"Le autonomie senza autonomia": stato, comuni e finanza locale dallo stato liberale alla repubblica
pp.51-70, DOI 10.17426/26303
Abstract: The work reconstructs the evolution of local finance in Italy from the liberal state
to the ’70s of the ’900. The key is given by the analysis of the ways in which it has addressed
the relationship between central finance and local finance. By processing the data contained
in the documentation for Public Accounts, it showed the continuity of a local finance model
dependent on central finance, consolidated in the transition from the liberal state to fascism
to the republic. In the final part, the study considers the effects of the reforms initiated by the
federalist legislators in the 90 of the ‘ 900, by detecting the limits with respect to the definition
of the financial resources of local authorities: a red thread with the past that continues
to the crisis of local authorities.
Keywords: Public Finance; Local Finance; Economics; Fiscal System; Public Spanding
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- Url:
- DOI: 10.17426/26303
- citazione: G. Moricola, "Le autonomie senza autonomia": stato, comuni e finanza locale dallo stato liberale alla repubblica, "RiSES", II/1-2, pp.51-70, DOI: 10.17426/26303