Indice degli autori
RISES » 2015/1-2 » Cibo in età moderna e contemporanea tra produzione e consumo (secc. XVIII-XX)
ISSN 2499-2321
Lorenzetti Luigi
La frutticoltura in Svizzera: tra congiunture e dinamiche di mercato (1870-1970)
pp.153-172, DOI 10.17426/KDCPSEASOI
Abstract: The article traces the evolution of the Swiss fruit-growing sector from the end of the 19th century to the 1960s. Based on the results of historiographical studies that highlight the role of demand (Wrigley) and of the agricultural crisis (Thirsk) in the development of so-called “Alternative Agriculture”, the article’s aims are twofold: to identify the mechanisms and pathways that allowed the integration of Swiss fruit cultivation into the market economy and to assess the extent to which the political and economic situation – both at a national and an international level – impacted its development and farming techniques. The available evidence shows that the sector’s main growth phases took place during the two World Wars, when Swiss producers benefitted from a reduction in foreign competition. However, during other periods, the sector underwent several restructuring phases in order to cope with foreign competition and overproduction.
Keywords: Fruit farming; Alternative farming; Agricultural policy; Market agriculture; Swiss agriculture
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- DOI: 10.17426/KDCPSEASOI
- citazione: L. Lorenzetti, La frutticoltura in Svizzera: tra congiunture e dinamiche di mercato (1870-1970), "RiSES", I/1-2, pp.153-172, DOI: 10.17426/KDCPSEASOI