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CITTÀ & STORIA » 2006/2 » La città allo specchio
ISSN 1828-6364

Ulivieri Denise

Iconografia dei centri della Versilia storica negli stradari leopoldini

pp.479-492, DOI 10.17426/15778


Abstract: By the end of the eighteenth century grand duke Peter Leopold’s reform had strongly influenced the communications’ network in the territories of Seravezza and Pietrasanta. In 1769 this reform had replaced the myriad entities dealing with roads with a single institution, the Camera delle Comunità; furthermore the Regolamento Generale obligated each basic territorial unit to care for road maintenance. The network of roads had to be described in a “Campione di tutte le strade comunitative esistenti” (a representation of all the community’s existing roads); new maps were to become a starting point for any future territorial instance. Some of the larger townships, like those of Pietrasanta and Seravezza effectively produced detailed mapping, carefully surveying the roads’ layout and any other territorial phenomena.
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  • DOI: 10.17426/15778
  • citazione: D. Ulivieri, Iconografia dei centri della Versilia storica negli stradari leopoldini, "Città & Storia", I/2, pp.479-492, DOI: 10.17426/15778

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