Indice degli autori
CITTÀ & STORIA » 2006/2 » La città allo specchio
ISSN 1828-6364
Iuliano Marco
Mappe catastali della provincia di Napoli nel XIX secolo
pp.507-520, DOI 10.17426/55740
Abstract: The difficulties encountered in adopting the oncaiario cadastre (1741) in the province of Naples resulted in the creation of a new form of taxation managed by the Sovrintendenza della Decima (tax agency), founded by the Bourbons in 1796. Recent cartographic acquisitions have made it possible to consider the Decima as the first cadastre with graphic representations. A more precise cartographic survey of the province’s cities was conducted after the Unification of Italy. Specifically, in 1873, the Ministry of Finance arranged for the geometric survey of towns with more than 6,000 inhabitants. In 1874 work was begun on further surveys. The documents are presently kept in the Ministry of Finance’s Territorial Agency: the maps made at that time are of enormous interest as documents as well as a means of territorial analysis, knowledge and planning.
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- DOI: 10.17426/55740
- citazione: M. Iuliano, Mappe catastali della provincia di Napoli nel XIX secolo, "Città & Storia", I/2, pp.507-520, DOI: 10.17426/55740